Sunday, May 3, 2009

Summer hats pandemonium

Good news: we are almost sold out of our hats. Bad news: the fabric has been discontinued after only four months. Ugggh.

So I went back to my trusty fabric store (dangerous place for me) this week and pulled up some great finds. I even succumbed and picked up some pink print mixed with browns, for all those who have been asking for pink, I do listen. It would seem there is a trend in dressing girls in pink. Who knew?

So we'll have a nice assortment of browns, stripes mixed with blues and yellows, celadon blue dots and yes the perennial pink. I hope it will be as successful as the first launch of our summer hats. Mental note for next year, make more hats and buy more fabric for repeats. Learning fast.

Since being back from our trip to Barcelona things have been happily hectic. We welcomed a some new, great stores to the babyburrito fold and I am preparing to do Ottawa's Ladyfest this coming mother's day weekend. So if you are in the Ottawa area please come and say hello or take away some babyburrito limited editions summer hats. ;-)

I am also on Twitter too, which has become my newest obsession. I really love talking to people from all over and finding out we are all truly in this together. Ben Lee sang a song about that, and it is too true. Cheesy I know, but you should try it.

1 comment:

Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

Glad to hear business is booming :)